"I was completely calm!" Niko shouted.
     "Right, throwing the eggs at an old lady and falling to the cold yellow and blue tiles on the floor, is calm." Lara Stated.
     Lara is mad at Niko because Niko embarrassed her at the grocery store. Should Lara be mad?
     "Lara and Niko need some time alone." Their dad said to their mom.
     Lara's bedroom was next to Niko's. Lara banged on the wall so Niko could hear the vibration. Niko banged back. This process kept on going until their hands were numb. They force themselves to come out of their rooms, and yelled at each other. Their parents tried everything to get them to stop fighting. It turns out they shouldn't stay away from each other to stop fighting, they should stay together. Without getting to know each other, 
     "Why did you blush?" I asked Mitchel-knowing the answer.
     "I was looking at a tree, and the door slammed in my face! I was embarrassed-I HAD to blush!" He complained.
     Mitchel is the kind of guy, who gets credit for nothing, and nothing for credit. Mitchel always has these choices: Should I rest and get good sleep for my test tomorrow? Or should I stay up late and study? They're are tough when you think about it. 
     Life IS fair. Choices are fair. People say life ISN'T fair. If they say that, they are proving a point, but they just lost breath and time. It is a choice. Choices are fair. Choices are life. Life is fair. 

    Sara Zyphier

    If you want to know how to do something, ask.

